Per Synetic's website:
In this follow-up to The Three Musketeers, our hero D’Artagnan finds himself alone in the service of King Louis XIV after his comrades have retired. Unbeknownst to D’Artagnan, his old friends plan to remove the corrupt King, and replace him with his good twin, held captive in the Bastille! The Man in the Iron Mask promises more swashbuckling blockbuster adventure, rich in bombast and pageantry. This production will have dialogue.
Note that Synetic is a theater known for its wordless productions of classic works, particularly Shakespeare, hence the note that the production will have dialogue.

Of the four plays I co-wrote with my brother Ben Cunis for Synetic Theater, the one I found the most challenging, fun, and ambitious was our fourth, The Man in the Iron Mask. This show was based on Alexander Dumas' conclusion to the saga of The Three Musketeers (although really, it's a section of Dumas' much longer work The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later rather than a complete book in its own right). The source material is shockingly grim and cynical, and our goal with this adaptation was to maintain that darkness without denying the audience the same thrills and excitement that our adaptation of The Three Musketeers brought to the stage.

The Man in the Iron Mask was nominated for two Helen Hayes awards.
"Chock full of the mind expanding calling cards that are Synetic Theater, The Man In The Iron Mask bursts onstage to give us an altogether immersive experience." - MD Theatre Guide
"I’ve seen quite a few of their dialogue- and movement-based pieces now, and Man in the Iron Mask is the best [Synetic has] done by far." - DC Theatre Scene
"Adapters Ben and Peter Cunis and director Paata Tsikurishvili respond to this later installment of the Dumas adventures with a deeper sensitivity; where the adventure of “The Three Musketeers” kept pouncing at you like a hyperactive tiger, “The Man in the Iron Mask” generates real intrigue." - The Washington Post